When buying products today of an electronic nature it is always a good idea to check the instructions on the website of the manufacturer. The major reason is to see if the product suits your application and wiring configuration.

We recieve calls at the Elkay technical helpline everyday from people who have not fully understood the instructions carefully and then had trouble installing their products.

Here are a couple of examples of mistakes made by people who fail to read or follow our instructions.

  1. An electronic switch is not like an ordinary switch. It has to be wired with the power off. This is true for ordinary switches but there are a great number of electricians that wire live! Wiring an electronic switch with the power on causes arcing at the terminals and can damage the electronic components inside the unit.

  2. 2 wire switches have a battery inside which is switched on at dip switch 4 on all 2 wire Elkay products. 2 wire switches must have a permanent 24 hour power supply, once the battery is switched ON, then if the supply is to be interrupted for any period of time, the battery switch should be returned to the off position. The 2 wire products can latch themselves back to the mains, if power is lost for short periods, but in the case of installs to areas where the power supply is going to be switched off at regular intervals then a 3 wire switch would be more suitable.

So in conclusion, always read the instructions, check out the web instructions for any updates or changes, pre-test the product on the load to be switched before going to site and finally why not give us a call and check with Elkay technical that the product will do exactly what you want before you even purchase it. We have years of experience that can help save you time beofe you even install the product.

Elkay can be contacted on (02890) 616505.